From the board – Newsletter 2017-3
Behind the scenes a lot of things are happing again in our association. And of course we would like to share the most important issues with you too.
We are trying to create more opportunities to interact both online and offline with all young historical demographers. While the final efforts are made to organize an informal event at the International Population Conference of the IUSSP in Cape Town on Monday 30 October (keep an eye out on the Facebook page for the invitation), we are now also promoting published articles of our members. This is mainly being done by our new item Paper of the Week on the Facebook page, in which we promote recently published articles. So if you have any new publications, let us know! Another innovation in our newsletter (see below) is an item in which we place a research article or project into the spotlight. By doing so we hope to be able to share some information about important work being done by young historical demographers. A last item we are setting up is a monthly blog called From the Archives in which young historical demographers write about their own research projects and the archives or databases they use. This will be featured on our website. If you recently spent time in the archives, or have developed a new database and wish to share your experience with us, please contact our PR-Officer Website Edward Morgan.
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