From the Board – Newsletter 2017-2
Behind the scenes a lot of things are happing in our association. And of course we would like to share the most important issues with you.
Firstly, we are always trying to make contact with more young historical demographers by increasing our PR efforts. We are, for example, in the process of organizing an event later this year at the International Population Conference of the IUSSP in Cape Town, and a plan has been made to organize another meet-up at the European Social Science History Conference in Belfast 2018. In order to share our news items with people outside the AYHD, we have launched a public Facebook page, and in the near future we will launch a twitter-account to keep you updated. By undertaking these efforts, we hope to become a platform on which new ideas, experiences, and useful information are exchanged.
Secondly, we are gathering information on the summer schools, workshops, and master-classes that provide the relevant skills to young historical demographers. Our goal is not only to create an overview of ’what is out there’, but also to try to gather as much training material as possible to make available on our website. We hope that this will improve training opportunities for everyone and thereby also strengthen the field of historical demography in general. Lastly, we hope that you will keep following the news from our association and that you will spread this newsletter across your own networks. Moreover, we are always seeking support from other young scholars who would like to be ambassadors for our association. Do not hesitate to let us know if you would like to help in some way or another.
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