Organizations & Networks
There are many organizations, networks and institutes involved in historical demographic research, but it is not always easy to find them. Below we try to give an overview of organizations, networks and institutes that are involved in historical demographic research, education and/or data management.
Organizations and Networks
- Asociación de Demografía Histórica
- Associação Portuguesa de Demografia
- European Historical Population Samples Network;
- European Society for Historical Demography;
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
- Network Family History and Demography, Social Science History Association;
- Network Family and Demography European Social Science History Conference;
- Panel Historical Demography, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population;
- Research Network Life Course, Family and Labour, N.W. Posthumus Institute;
- Società Italiana di Demografia Storica;
- Société de Démographie Historique;
- The International Commission of Historical Demography (ICHD);
- WOG Historical Demography.
- BioHistory Group, University of Copenhagen, Denmark;
- Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, Cambridge University, England;
- Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain;
- Centre for Population Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania;
- Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research, Umeå University, Sweden;
- Centre for Demographic Studies (CED), Spain;
- Centre of Economic Demography, Lund University, Sweden;
- Department of Demography, Australia National University, Australia;
- Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University, Estonia;
- Family and Population Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium;
- Female Convicts Research Centre, Autralia;
- Formosa HISCO, Tamkang University, Taiwan;
- Founders & Survivors Project, Australia;
- Grupo de Estudios sobre familia, cultura material y formas de poder en la España moderna, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain;
- Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation – Minnesota Population Center/IPUMS, USA
- Historical Demography, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Hungary;
- Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, USA;
- Norwegian Historical Data Centre, University of Tromsø, Norway;
- Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research, Gent University, Belgium.
- Programme de Recherche en Démographie Historique (PRDH), University of Montreal, Canada;
- Program Historical Demography, Academia Sinica, Taiwan;
- Radboud Group for Historical Demography and Family History, Radboud University, the Netherlands;
- Seminario de Historia Social de la Población, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain;
- Seminario Familia y Élite de Poder, Universidad de Murcia, Spain;
- Tampere Research Group for History of Population, Environments and Social Structures (HoPES), Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC) of the University of Tampere.
- Lee-Campbell Research Group, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China;
- Research Group: Historical Demography , Southampton University;
- Utah Population Database, University of Utah, USA.
Please send an email to the president of the AYHD when your institute/network is missing.